Secured Connection (WPA2, Wi-Fi Protected Access) Method[SSID : DKU_WiFi]

  • Username/ ID: Faculty / Student ID number (Visitors : "guest")
  • Password: Faculty / Student SSO(Single Sign One) login password
                  Vistor : "dankook2027"
  • Available to everyone affiliated with Dankook University (faculty/ staff/ students) and Visitors this is an international standard authentication method with password-encryption in a wireless area.

Opened Connection(SSID : DKU_WiFi_Help)

  • • If you want to use DKU wireless internet guide, go to "DKU Wireless Internet Usage" homepage by accessing "DKU_WiFi_Help".


  • Jukjeon Campus (031) 8005 – 2322~4, 2335
  • Cheonan Campus (041) 550 - 1723, 1715